Find out about The TOPS team, the Patient Advisory Group, and the four study sites below
The TOPS Team
Victoria Jansen
Study Chief Investigator, Physiotherapist, Pulvertaft Hand Centre, University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS Foundation Trust. Victoria is an NIHR/ICA Fellow at Keele University.
Find out more about Victoria -
Professor Danielle van der Windt
Professor of Primary Care Epidemiology, School of Medicine Keele University
Dr. Elaine Nicholls
Research Fellow in Biostatistics, School of Medicine, Keele University
Dr. Charlotte Woodcock
Lecturer in Applied Health Research, School of Medicine Keele University
Dr. Michelle Marshall
Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Epidemiology and Imaging, School of Medicine, Keele University
Emma Marshall
Trial Co-ordinator, Keele Clinical Trials Unit
Dr. Paul Hendrick
Assistant Professor in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Nottingham
Debbie Larson
Highly Specialised Occupational Therapist, Spire Hospital, Norwich
Annie Glover
Project Administrator, Keele Clinical Trials Unit
Helen McKenna
Occupational Therapist Extended Scope Practitioner in Hands, Pulvertaft Hand Centre, University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS Trust.
Patient Advisory Group
Our patient advisory group (PAG) is made up of people who have thumb base OA.
Ken Clamp
Patient Advisory Group member, and part of the Study Management Group.
Check out Ken’s video on Staying the Course -
Deb Hickson
Patient Advisory Group member
Kathy Fell
Patient Advisory Group member
Dave Tyler
Patient Advisory Group member
Stephen Dent
Patient Advisory Group member
Carmel Ashby
Patient Advisory Group member
Study sites
The study has taken place at the following four NHS sites:
Pulvertaft Hand Centre, Royal Derby Hospital
Hand Therapy Department, Kings Mill Hospital
Nottingham City Care
Pennine MSK Service, Oldham